
Chapel Hill, My! what an eventful night.

Dear Menomenauts,

Thank you to everyone who came out to see us at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill. We had a great time playing for you. You were a wonderful audience.

It was an eventful night:

- Walking back from dinner, I noticed a huge U-Haul driving down a narrow alley behind the venue. As it turned onto the road, it scraped The Long Winters' van, leaving a huge dent. The police came. I was the star witness. Fun!

- Thank you to Duane and Seamus for letting us crash at your place. While trying to find it at 3am, I knocked at the wrong house (I had the right house number — but I was on SOUTH instead of the north region of the road). Nobody answered. So, I began walking back to the van, where I had left Duane's cell number. A man sitting on his porch, across the street, asked me what I was up to.
HIM : My man's not home. What 'cha looking for?
ME : Oh, uh, nothing. I'm just gonna call him on his cell.
HIM : No seriously. What you need?
ME : Just a place to crash. He's a friend of mine.
HIM : Well, my man's out. [he walks from his porch to stand next to me in the shadows] I just want you to know that if you need, some, uh weed or anything, that you know where you can get some.
ME : Oh, well, hey thanks, but I just need to talk to my friend.
HIM : So you don't need any weed?
ME : Not tonight, no thanks.
HIM : Hm.
ME : Well, have a nice nigh——
HIM : Say. Can you spare 2 dollars?
ME : Sorry, I don't have any cash on me. Only plastic.
HIM : You don't have no cash?
ME : Sorry. Just the card.
HIM : Word?
ME : Uh, word.
HIM : Any chance you could draw from it? [implying I should go to an ATM]
ME : Oh, uh, no, it's a credit-card, and it won't let me do cash-advances.
HIM : No?
ME : Yeah, sorry. Well have a nice night! I gotta go.

My advice to fellow travelers : if you meet a stranger at 3am who offers you drugs, then asks for money, then asks you to go to an ATM to withdraw cash, by all means, do hang out with him alone in the shadows. Because sooner or later the conversation will turn to the Open-Source paradigm and its' implications for social justice.

So, I finally called Duane, and found the correct house. Meet their sweet dog Ajax!
AJAX : Woof.
ME : Uh, Woof?
AJAX : [wags his tail] Woof.

Love love love,
Rock rock rock,
- Brent / Menomena


Blogger knigt said...

Dear Menomena

you're awesome. thanks for coming to chapel hill. I saw you guys when you came to the local 506 last time, when you headlined, and it was just as good. i'm listening to my copy of Under an Hour right now, that you drew a giraffe on. Thanks, this is one of my favorite instrumental CDs still. Keep rocking and comeby again soon.


11:41 AM  

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